Wanderlust (Travels)

The Thrill of Touching Tigers in Thailand

It was about a year before my trip to Thailand that I first heard about Tiger Kingdom in Phuket, Thailand. The articles I read about this tiger sanctuary indicated that visitors could not only enter the tiger enclosures, but could also have up close and personal interactions and photos touching these majestic beasts. Many people are opposed to the idea for various reasons. But being the adventure-lover I am, I couldn’t say no to this once in a lifetime opportunity. I didn’t want to leave Thailand without being able to say I experienced Touching Tigers in Thailand.

The facility I visited includes several enclosures with tigers grouped by age and size. Visitors have the option to view the tigers without entering any enclosures. Or, for an extra fee, you can choose which enclosures you want to enter. I arrived at Tiger Kingdom late in the afternoon after my Beachfront Cooking Class. When I arrived, I was offered a discount on a package that included entering three enclosures (The Cubs, The Medium Cats, and The Big Cats). After paying for the package and reviewing the very long list of Do’s and Don’ts, I excitedly entered the compound.

First up… the cubs!

The Tiger Cubs:

There are safety precautions in place to protect the cubs from illness. So before entering the nursery, I was first instructed to remove my shoes. I then put on the provided slippers and washed my hands. While I was doing this, their caretaker started telling me about the cubs.

Fun Fact: Baby tigers only weigh about 2 pounds at birth, but they quickly grow and gain weight.

During my visit, there were 2 cubs in the nursery. At only 9 weeks old, they already weighed a very sturdy 45 pounds. Both cubs were fast asleep when I entered their nursery. While I didn’t want to wake these sleeping beauties, I really, really, really wanted to play with them.

But patience paid off and it wasn’t long before both cubs were wide awake. Initially they were somewhat standoffish and very uninterested in me. But it didn’t take too long before the cute little babies warmed up to me. And when they did, they were very eager to play!

I could have played with these cuties all day. But eventually, the tiger-keeper was ushering me to another enclosure to meet the next group of cats. Next up… the medium cats.

The Medium Cats:

Tigers are fully grown around 3 years of age. During my visit, the tigers in the medium cat enclosure were between 9 and 12 months old. They weighed in at a very solid 200 to 250 pounds and were considered to be adolescents. I was amazed that they were every bit as playful and energetic as the cubs. The only difference – they came with a WHOLE lot of extra weight and strength.

I learned a few things about tigers while with the medium cats. First, tigers amazingly grow from just 2 pounds at birth to well over 200 pounds in less than a year. Also, like our fingerprints, every tiger can be identified by its own unique stripe pattern. Again, I could have stayed with the medium cats all day. However, they eventually ushered me to the final enclosure. Next up… the big cats (and by big, I mean BIIIIIG!).

The Big Cats:

The big cats were 2-3 years old and weighed in at a massive 650 pounds. I’m not sure why I wasn’t terrified by the fact that any one of them could take me out with one swipe of a paw, but I wasn’t at all afraid. It was more feelings of fascination and awe at how large but calm they are. The only unnerving part was when they were talking to each other. They communicate by roaring and the roars are so loud that it rattles your chest when you’re next to them.

Of all the tigers, I think the big cats were my favorite. Despite their size, they were so laid back and just wanted to be scratched and petted like any domestic cat. Their strength, grace, and calm nature are truly remarkable to witness in person. It was also interesting to learn that they share many behaviors with domestic cats like stretching, purring, and scratching.

Final Thoughts:

Tigers are the largest cats in the world and an important symbol in Thai culture. They represent power, courage, and strength and are celebrated in many forms of art, mythology, and various religious practices.

My experience touching tigers in Thailand was both exhilarating and awe-inspiring. The lasting memory left me with a much deeper appreciation for these powerful animals. I learned tigers are born tiny, grow super fast, and when they are treated well, they are very gentle.

More Pics:

Check out more pictures from my experience Touching Tigers in Thailand!

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